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Picture Credits:- Dall-E

She woke me from my sleep,

Bright room, fairy lights

Am I in heaven? I wonder.

An angel appeared,

In a sparkly white gown,

I'm definitely in heaven.

"Why am I in heaven?" I ask

A loving smile appeared on her face,

"It was time", she said.

I frown, "How are the others?"

A diary appeared over her hand,

"Here, it has everything you need to know."

I open the first page,

It's my parents, who seemed worried,

"How can I make them happy?"

She gave me a feather to draw with,

My confused face made her laugh,

"Go ahead, you know it."

I painted a picture of them happy,

Left a letter saying "I'm sorry for everything."

and their world became joyful again.

I turned to the next page,

My best friend was alone,

I made a little bunny as a companion.

On the next page,

It was everyone who loved me,

Wrote "Chilling in heaven" on the clouds.

The last page had somebody special,

It was me as a little girl,

Drew a picture of me hugging her.

"It's time for me to leave."

I gave her the diary,

"What happens now?"

She left without answering,

I wake up in my room,

The diary was on my bedside table.

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Kunal kr singh
Kunal kr singh
Dec 05, 2022

Keep up your work. Very nicely crafted.


Shreyas Naik
Shreyas Naik
Nov 28, 2022

Lovely poem, lovely story. Loved the poem!

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