A Bit About Me
I started writing poetry as a way to cope with a difficult period in my life, and it quickly became a source of solace for me. At first, I was hesitant to share my poems with others, but I eventually mustered the courage to make my work public. Since then, I have been published as a co-author in four anthologies and my work has been featured in the e-journal "Muse India Your Space." I am grateful for the recognition I have received, and I am dedicated to continuing my journey as a poet. Writing is my passion, and I will never stop expressing myself through the power of words.
29th July 2022
1st September 2022
1st November 2022
18th January 2023
25th January 2023
4th February 2023
6th February 2023
​My poetry blog was recognized as one of the top 100 poetry blogs on the web by Feedspot.
My poem, "The Unspoken Journey," was nominated for inclusion in the September edition of the Muse India Your Space e-journal, but unfortunately, it was not selected
​My poem, "The Unspoken Journey," was selected for inclusion in the anthology "From My Heart" published by Writer's Pocket.
My poem, "I Was Hurt," was selected for inclusion in the anthology "Waves of Resonance Vol. 3," published by The Wordings.
My personalized poem, "World of Words," a personalized poem, was selected for inclusion in the anthology "Unwind Vol 5," published by The Quill House.
My personalized poem, "Rising from the Ashes," written for someone else, was selected as the winner for January in the Muse India Your Space e-journal.
My microtale, "A Seventh Heaven on Earth," was published in Sophrosyne Vol. 4 by The Quill House.